Investing in wellness is investing in the overall health of your full self. At Technalink, we like to keep our fingers on the pulse of modern wellness, and we’re always willing to give new trends a try. Some of the top wellness trends for 2024 that we think are worth bringing into your life are:
• Face uncertainty on purpose – No one really likes being put in a stressful or anxiety-inducing situation, but is there benefit to placing yourself there? Practice makes perfect, and this includes practicing how you handle stress. In 2024, more folks are trying things that make them uncomfortable, and learning to observe what they’re feeling in that moment. The result is being able to discover how your body responds to uncertainty and adapting your response to grow more resilient in the long run.
• Bringing meditation stones into the home or office – Meditation stones don’t just look beautiful, and they’re not only used for meditation. Garnet stones, carnelian, fluorite, or quartz – each stone has within it its own energies you can benefit from simply by having them in your space. In 2024, meditation stones have become a huge trend in home or office décor that can be used to uplift the energy in your space and aid in your daily meditations.
• Cutting back on alcohol – More and more Americans are cutting back. As a matter of fact, over 40% of Americans are lowering their alcohol consumption or cutting it out entirely in 2024 according to a recent survey. What many don’t realize is that alcohol actually increases cortisol production within the body, naturally increasing your stress, causing anxiety, and lowering your quality of sleep.
• Increased exercise – It’s well known the positive effects of exercise on your physical body, but what more people are realizing in 2024 is that exercise does equally great work on your mental health as well. With just 15 minutes of an exercise you enjoy per day you can noticeably lower cortisol in the body, experience lower stress, and enjoy a life with less anxiety. This exercise doesn’t mean training for a marathon or lifting weights in the gym – a simple 15-minute walk, a quick swim, or playing a favorite physical game will do.
We learn more about wellness each year, so there’s always something new to try to make your overall well-being even better. Investing your time in the latest wellness trends might be just what you need to embrace your most well-rounded self.
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