At Technalink we respect that every meditation is a personal experience. The way you meditate, where you choose to meditate, what your meditation means to you, and – of course – the affirmations you turn to in order to give your meditation a specific purpose. While you may have a short-list of affirmations you keep in your back pocket for regular meditation sessions, it’s important to remember that you can impart any sort of energy into your session. Creating your own meditation-friendly affirmations allows you to completely customize your meditation experience to your present.
Before creating your own affirmations, you may want to try investing in a tool that guides them as you focus on the present, your breath, and your meditative state. Clear quartz mala prayer beads make it easy to count your affirmations as you glide the beads through your fingers. For those new to meditation, the feeling of the beads in your hands, and how they feel as you count each affirmation, also gives you something to focus on to keep yourself in the present throughout your session. Meditation beads aren’t only found in clear quartz, and different stones can bring different energies as you see fit.
When creating your own affirmations, think first about what you have or what you want. You want to keep your affirmation positive, so avoid thinking about what you don’t have or what you don’t want to happen. For instance, “I am brave” will be a more powerful affirmation than “I’m not afraid”. There is power in the positive, and this puts power in your affirmation.
Next, remaining in the present is important to meditation and your well-being as a whole. Keeping your affirmations in the present is important as well. For example, “I am brave” speaks of right now, it speaks of the present. “I will be brave”, however, speaks to the future. You want to use your affirmations to bring these energies into your life now, or into your present.
When coming up with affirmations, do a mind and body scan first. What comes to mind? What do you want or need out of yourself right now? This is what you’ll use as a foundation to build the most meaningful affirmations for each meditation session.
When you can create your own affirmations, you can guide your meditation whenever you want and however you want. As you practice, building your own affirmations will become easier, and before you know it, perhaps even second nature.
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