For most, accepting criticism is something you have to learn to do. When you’re being told you’re doing something “wrong”, it’s natural to feel a little defensive at first. Behind critical words, however, is a gift that can be full of opportunity if you simply learn how to open it. At Technalink, we welcome constructive criticism and all of the growth that can come from it.
We can only see the world through our own eyes. Every person on the planet has a different perspective, and when these perspectives aren’t openly communicated the result is a pretty isolating existence. Criticism is communication of a different perspective, and an opportunity to see your own actions, or your own room for growth, through fresh new eyes. Criticism should be constructive, it should be given with a goal, and it should be taken as a new viewpoint you can use to grow in any facet of your professional (or personal) life.
In the business world, self-improvement is a huge part of lasting success. Criticism doesn’t have to cause emotional wounds, and sometimes that means having to step back and take a pause. Your initial reaction to constructive criticism may be getting on the defense, it’s only natural, but stopping to pause first will allow you to feel out that emotion and see what’s really going on underneath. You don’t have to argue with the reaction, but simply recognize it and allow it to pass.
After you’ve taken your pause, remind yourself to keep an open mind and to remember that this viewpoint is being offered to you as an opportunity to improve. Ask questions about the criticism received, and really chew on the issue so you can completely understand the perspective being given. As you’re listening, make sure you listen to really hear what the other person is saying rather than listening only to form a rebuttal.
Meditating on criticism is another excellent way to break down what is being said, how you can use it to improve, and what you could be doing better going forward. Meditation stones like Agate can help you to tap into your intuition, communicating what you’re feeling in your heart and thinking in your mind. Criticism doesn’t have to be scary, it doesn’t have to be uncomfortable, it can be viewed as a positive opportunity laid out before you.
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