At Technalink, we firmly believe that the happiest workplaces are the most successful. When teams are happy, they want to achieve more than they ever thought possible, they feel inspired, and they know that every new day is a new opportunity to do or be something great. A compassionate leader should strive to build this type of environment with their leadership, and they should know what to look for to determine if they’re on the right track.
A few signs that point toward a genuinely happy and thriving workplace are:
• No one is afraid to speak up – Brainstorming meetings should be exciting, and they should really highlight the talents and best of everyone you have on your teams. When you gather your teams together and you see a desire to share ideas and innovations, you can rest assured that you’re leading a happy workplace where team members feel inspired and encouraged. If it seems that those you’re leading are apprehensive to speak up, that’s a sign that more work toward a happy workplace may need to be done.
• You see natural collaboration – Whether between members on the same team, or between teams, collaboration is a sure sign of a happy, open, and connected workplace. Employees aren’t afraid to branch out and think outside the box, and they respect the talents and the potential of those they’re working with.
• Teams embrace healthy lifestyle improvements – Things like taking time to rest and meditation should be encouraged in a healthy workplace, as leadership understands that only a nurtured professional will be able to unlock all of their potential. A healthy workplace is one where employees feel inspired to embrace these forms of self-improvement.
• You see natural encouragement and acknowledgement – Encouragement and acknowledgement shouldn’t only come from leadership. A happy workplace is one where these things come naturally and teams are happy to show appreciation to one another unprompted.
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