Amongst team members that truly get along and align well, a brainstorming session can be a very valuable thing. At Technalink we value the benefits of brainstorming sessions, and what they bring to forging new paths to ambitious goals and unparalleled innovation. Soulful leadership strategies really show their benefits in brainstorming sessions, and knowing just how to use it while brainstorming shows you the value straight away.
The first thing you want to do when using your soulful leadership strategies in a brainstorming session is to communicate the question or the problem to be solved in a way that provides equal understanding and levels the playing field. While you may be the leader in the session, it’s important to use the soulful leadership practice of leveling the playing field and acting as a member of the team, rather than the one to simply pitch ideas to. As a member of the team, others in the session are more likely to feel comfortable sharing their ideas and bouncing ideas around the room without feeling as though they’re going to be shot down or discouraged.
As the group leader, and a soulful leader, it’s also your job to keep the free-thinking and creativity flowing as comfortably and as naturally as possible. To do this, begin bouncing ideas of your own, welcoming feedback and encouraging others to build from your idea with their own creative thoughts. When creativity begins to lull, try suggesting a new idea or a new way to approach the question to get the creative juices flowing again.
It’s important to remember that you may never know just what idea is going to be the one that becomes realized or the one that solves the problem the brainstorming session is all about. With soulful leadership, you’re open to a myriad of different ideas, and how to morph or change these ideas into those that cover everything you may need. Perhaps it will be a combination of two or more ideas from multiple brainstorming sessions that becomes your new solution or goal, but it will be one born from your soulful leadership and the talent you have on your team.
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