Being a business leader in today’s competitive markets requires that you use all the tools and skills that you have available to you. It can be a lot of pressure, but here at Technalink we have seen time and time again that being a mindful manager is one of the best ways to reduce your stress and help your company thrive.
An offshoot of spiritual management, being a mindful manager is something that any business leader can focus on and that can help you in numerous ways. Some of the benefits you’ll notice as a result of mindfulness in the workplace includes:
• Improved relationships with employees
• Better morale
• A healthier working environment
• Stronger productivity levels
• Less stress in your professional and personal life
• And more
Simply put, this aspect of spiritual management can help your business grow and succeed while also making it easier on you during your day to day activities. It’s worth taking a look at yourself and the way that you lead in order to get a better idea as to just what kind of leader you are. With this in mind, there are a few simple questions that you can ask yourself to determine just how mindful you really are.
• Do You Think Before Acting Or Speaking? – Being able to take a moment to collect your thoughts and reflect on the situation before you take action is a must.
• Can You Show Compassion? – More specifically, when issues arise that put an employee in a bad situation, are you able to understand and empathize with them?
• Do You Separate Work And Personal Time? – If you constantly take your work home with you or let work related stress impact your personal life, it’s time to reassess things.
• Do Your Employees Respect You? – The real question here is do they respect you, or do they fear you and the retribution you could bring to them? There’s a huge difference, and successful, mindful leaders don’t use their role to intimidate or force their employees to fear them.
• What Is The Level Of Happiness In The Workplace? – Take a real, honest assessment of the workplace. Does it feel like a healthy, happy place to work or are people constantly on edge and stressed? Your method of management could have a role here.
Ask yourself these questions and then consider how the answers are being impacted by your mindfulness – or lack thereof. Mastering spiritual management techniques like mindfulness can help you in more ways than you might realize.
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