All businesses start small. When you begin hiring people to be part of your small team, you’ll find that it has its share of challenges. One of the obstacles you might face is employee demotivation.
There are several reasons why employees slowly lose their motivation. In small teams, people tend to lose interest when they see slow company growth, for instance. It’s also safe to assume that you can’t afford high compensation packages just yet, and this might tempt your staff to find greener pastures.
Don’t Look Down on Failure
In small teams, members are often required to take on different tasks, some of which are not in their line of expertise. As a result, they will have to learn by doing and experimenting. You can’t expect them to always get it right the first time.
Show that you are a compassionate leader by assuring them that it’s okay to make mistakes. It’s part of the learning curve, after all.
Say “Thank You” Often
This is pretty basic, but some leaders who are too busy and preoccupied might forget to do it. Always say “thank you” when it’s due. This is the purest form of appreciation that a compassionate leader can exhibit.
Give Helpful and Thoughtful Tokens and Incentives
Indeed, a compassionate leader is one who appreciates her team. Aside from saying “thank you” often, you can also express your thanks and appreciation by giving your staff tokens and incentives that they can actually enjoy and use. These tokens need not always be grand or expensive.
Gestures as simple as gifting them with charms and healing stones sends the message that you care about their well-being. Among the great choices is Carnelian, which helps boost energy and promote confidence. Fluorite is another, as it promotes better decision-making.
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