A spiritual leader embarks on something of a spiritual journey the day they decide to lead with compassion rather than control. Aligning yourself empathetically with the vibrations of so many different personalities is challenging at first, but we at Technalink have a secret weapon in the form of Angelite. Angelite is also known as Blue Anhydrite, a mineral discovered in Peru in 1987, and it is said to contain just the spiritual energy to lead you through your spiritual journey and all the growth that entails.
Angelite is known to balance your energy, aid in communication and expression, promote awareness, and provide a calming and soothing effect – all things that really come in handy to the spiritual leader new to the world of leading by compassion and meditation. When used in meditation beads or meditation stones, the energy of Angelite can help to guide you through the experience and teach you to embrace your mantra and your inner peace fully.
Using Angelite stones in meditation is quite simple, and may even be preferred to prayer beads for those just beginning. Keeping a small dish of Angelite stones on your desk, a small bag in your pocket or handbag, or a few in the car allow you to roll them in your hand whenever necessary, and take short meditation breaks when you need them the most. With no set mantra repetitions or system to follow, you can simply embrace the energy of the Angelite and allow these short breaks to lead you further into more intense meditation sessions. As you progress in your spiritual journey and move on to prayer beads or other methods of meditation, keeping the Angelite close by can still allow you to benefit from its pure and enlightening energy.
Angelite is a special type of stone, and one that should be embraced by those just starting in their spiritual leadership journey as well as those who have been moving along their path for some time. With such a pure and uplifting energy, this is the stone that can get you through a conflict, a crossroads, a second-guess, or any hurdle that you may find along the way.
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