Did you know that the average person has as many as 80,000 different thoughts in a single day? At Technalink, we recognize the sheer power that the mind has, and the power your thoughts can have over you, making it pretty important to learn control and calm over your own mind. Negative and intrusive thoughts can hinder even the most compassionate leader, and they’re something that we will all find ourselves dealing with in some form at one point or another. What do you do when negativity penetrates your thoughts? There are a few ways to get yourself back on track.
One really simple method you can use anywhere and at any time is the opposite thinking method. The opposite of negative is positive, and recognizing each negative thought only to put it on its head and turn it into a positive one, is an extremely effective negativity killer. A spiritual entrepreneur, as they grow in this opposite thinking practice, will learn to turn these thoughts around so quickly and so naturally that they become something that no longer requires extra thought or exertion of energy.
Another trick you can try is to simply get up. A short walk down the hallway, a trip to the bathroom, or just a breath of fresh air can really do a number on negative thoughts by replacing them with the positive thinking associated with exercise, as well as a quick distraction. By distracting yourself with something physical, a compassionate leader will be able to force the stress and the negativity taking hold, and send it away in favor of a more positive and mind-clearing practice.
Lastly, distancing is a different sort of method that works quite well to control and calm your mind with some practice. The distancing method simply includes allowing your thoughts to slip through your mind without allowing them to hold any weight, which is something sometimes easier said than done. The best way to practice distancing is to recognize when stressed or negative thinking is breaking through, and to remind yourself with a mantra repeating “my thoughts only have the weight I give them” in your mind until the thoughts go away or lessen in intensity.
Whether you’re in a stressed out situation, or you’re simply having a day that isn’t going well, stress and negativity can sneak into your mind without your even realizing it. These simple to use methods can be a practiced part of spiritual management any employee, manager, or workmate can use effectively at any time.
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