Sometimes, it’s just time for a break, and it’s important to know that this is okay! In our professional lives, we can become so focused on our goals that we start to lose sight of everything else, but we need to remember that we need to nurture the person if we expect the best out of the professional! The best way to nurture the person is through stopping to take a break, and using this time to do the things that make the person happy before all else.
When you don’t stop to take a break, either throughout the day or for a vacation for a little while, you will start to lose sight of yourself, and your inner connection will begin to become broken. You’ll get further and further wrapped up in the tasks, the lists, and the work, and soon you’ll find that motivation is more difficult to come by, your creativity is suffering a block, and you’re less likely to empathize with others as you should. When this starts to happen, and any of these signs are present, it could be your body’s way of telling you that it’s time to slow down, relax, and focus on self.
If this feeling of overwhelm starts to overpower you during the day, even a break of only a few minutes for a little introspection can be extremely helpful. Find a quiet place in the office and simply sit and relax, focusing on your breathing, and visualizing positive images in your mind. What you’ll find is that this overwhelm will begin to melt away, and your sense of calm and clarity will come back improving your work and your situation.
Breaks are important, just as important as work and productivity, and taking the occasional break can really give you a way to hit your “reset” button and get better in tune with yourself again. Unwinding, like staying at a Laguna Beach hotel, can really help you destress. Pack your Lucas luggage for a weekend trip and decompress. A connection with self is important to the spiritual workplace and your progress, and sometimes it just takes a little break to get there!
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