In many professional settings, it can sometimes feel as though the honest personality of the individual needs to be suppressed in order to progress. While this is an unfortunate perception, it is not always true, especially for business owners whose name is behind the brand. Even employees can feel as though their truthful expression might hold them back, yet, this is also not always the case.
A Shift In Paradigm
At Technalink, we have noticed that it is a growing corporate trend to extend spirituality to the organizational culture. While this has an overall positive impact on company productivity, less lost time days, and employee loyalty, it also brings another layer of influence into the business world.
One of the biggest positive aspects of more companies integrating spirituality into the workplace is that it allows for better employee growth and empowerment, which also leads to a stronger reputation for internal promotion. Further, happy employees who are encouraged to recognize beingness can become integral assets to the company.
This further applies to owners, especially as they do have influence over corporate culture and reputation. Overcoming the fears of outside judgment and bringing personal beingness into the workplace sets an example that can beneficially influence culture.
Leading by example also permeated every aspect of the company. As owners and employees self-attenuate, they also bring greater influence into the professional arena. This can lead to multiple goals being realized, and can further impact lifestyle and wellbeing.
Finding One’s Self
Realizing your personal beingness can feel like a challenge, but there are many ways to come in touch with this essence. While meditation is always positive, it can also be effective to simply check in with self throughout the day. Subtle cues like:
- A gut reaction
- An internal tightening
- Goosebumps or hair standing on edge
- An innate sense of friction
These can all be routine indicators of when beingness is challenged. Listening to the cues can also help to realize personal beingness in its fullest. When this is achieved, then obstacles are reduced, since alignment of goals leads to mutual beneficence.
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