Spirituality in the corporate workplace is becoming more accepted as business owners see the benefits of mindfulness, self awareness, and empowerment show through with success. However, many traditional corporate approaches include concepts of stricture and control as keys to productivity, and this is counter to a spiritual approach. Shifting perceptions and thought forms can be a process, but undertaking the journey itself is also a way of embracing spirituality in all actions in life.
A Place And A Time?
At Technalink, we are often asked about how to nurture this type of culture in a business setting. The best answer we can really give is to have the vision and the intent, and then allow the process to unfold. This is not only because everyone’s corporate journey will be different, but also because a key aspect of the spiritual workplace is the idea that resonance of energies, and not control, is what sets the tone for the exploration.
Another common question we get at Technalink is whether spirituality is appropriate in the corporate world. In one word? Yes.
Spirituality is not a dogma or a set of rules, but is an inherent dimension of wellness that all humans have. This means that spirituality is present at all times and in all actions, since it is as integral to the self as awareness. How we embrace it is also how we extend this energy into the world, and this is what can separate spiritual corporate culture from traditional workplaces.
Spirituality is also a freedom of expression and the choice to explore potential. When this is transposed to the corporate world, the result comes out as innovation and success, since this potential is now being utilized. Owners may extend the invitation of this culture to employees, simply through their being-ness, since the energy of staying present in the now resonates with the innate desire to always engage in more of what brings life into a person’s being.
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