Empathy is important in all working and personal relationships, and an empathetic workplace is a workplace that people will feel comfortable growing and succeeding in. At Technalink, we know that there are various ways to show empathy in the workplace, and we want you to know just how simple it can be to improve your workplace atmosphere in this respect. 5 tips for showing a bit more empathy in your workplace are:
- Listening – Something as simple as listening can be surprisingly important to the level of empathy in your workplace. Your employees and co-workers will want to feel appreciated and valued as people and professionals, and the simple act of listening to what they have to say can work wonders.
- Communicating – An empathetic workplace is a workplace that values open communication, and opening up can build a bridge for much better communication in any setting. By communicating with your co-workers and employees, you can then create a comfortable environment where ideas and feelings can be shared freely.
- Being mindful – Being mindful is an excellent step in becoming more empathetic, as focusing your attention to the world around you can help you to see the bigger picture. In a workplace setting, this will mean directing your attention to your surroundings, and the people in it, and really seeing what everything is all about.
- Learning before judging – Withholding judgment until all the facts are in is tough, but this is a big part of staying empathetic, and here is a great post to read on how you could do that. Allowing a person to fully explain themselves, then trying to focus on the bigger picture in your own thoughts, should be done before a judgment on any idea or decision is made.
- Extending a helping hand – Offering help is a great way to show empathy to others, and a great way to improve upon empathy yourself. When you see a co-worker struggling with a problem, or added stress, letting them know that you’re there to share in their experience should they wish for it can mean a great deal.
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