Technalink understands that every person is different, so they’ll have different needs. This can be especially true with meditation, where it is crucial for each person to find their mindfulness in a way that makes sense to them. One of the things that can greatly facilitate mindfulness is finding the correct position, and this is not as rigid and fixed as some may imagine. [Read more…]
Meditation Can Benefit Your Professional Experience
Technalink is a big advocate of the idea that learning how to meditate is a good way to maintain a healthier work-life balance. However, one of the best things about meditation is that it’s not just a way to maintain good psychological, physical, and even spiritual health. Meditation can confer some real benefits for the workplace, especially in business settings. Here are some of the things that learning how to meditate can do for you and your work experience. [Read more…]
5 Meditation Stones To Keep In Your Desk
Meditation stones can help to bring all sorts of different energies to your mindful meditations. For women in business today, what you need from each meditation session may differ, and knowing which stones to reach for when you want to embody certain energies can be highly beneficial. Whether you’re combating stress and anxiety, or you’re looking for the clarity you need to make a tough decision, the 5 meditation stones you should keep in your desk are: [Read more…]
The Intersection of Spirituality and Business: Rethinking Success
Spirituality in business might seem like a foreign concept in the world of profits and bottom lines, but a growing movement of leaders and entrepreneurs are challenging the more traditional definition of success by infusing spiritual principles into their professional lives.
What Does Spirituality Mean in Business? [Read more…]
Emotional Wounds and the CEO Mindset: Turning Pain Into Leadership Strength
In the often high-stakes world of leadership. CEOs find themselves facing challenges that test their business understanding as well as their emotional resilience.
Emotional wounds, whether from personal losses or professional failures, can seem like liabilities. However, these wounds often hold untapped potential and can be something you can use to transform pain into powerful leadership strength you can use moving forward. [Read more…]
Keep Your Stress And Anxiety At Bay This Holiday Season
According to a study conducted by the American Psychological Association, 41% of Americans report feeling increased stress and anxiety during the holiday season. For your own emotional well-being, and to keep on track with your compassionate leadership goals, it’s always beneficial to stay on top of these stresses. At Technalink, we encourage our teams to have tools at their disposal to turn to when they feel this (or any) stress begin to overwhelm them. [Read more…]
Compassionate Leadership Goals To Focus On In 2025
A new year is upon us once again, and this means brainstorming what your goals for 2025 are going to be. For compassionate leadership, it’s important to remember that it’s a journey to an ever-evolving destination. Your soulful leadership progress is never truly over, and there are always ways to improve, evolve, and adapt to compassionate leadership in all phases of life. If you’re brainstorming your 2025 goals, a few points to consider putting on your list include:
Get To Know The Energies Of Different Types Of Quartz
In mala prayer beads or meditation stones, quartz is one of the most beneficial stones to keep in your meditation kit. You may notice that there are several different types of quartz to choose from, and you may be wondering if they’re all created equally. While all quartz meditation stones or mala prayer beads have clarifying and cleansing properties, they also contain different energies that can be helpful to different meditation goals. At Technalink, we encourage our teams to incorporate various types of quartz into their meditation toolkits, with a few of the most generally useful quartz types including: [Read more…]