While compassionate leadership does focus on others, it focuses equally on the self. At Technalink, we encourage all of our compassionate leaders to show the same compassion inward as they show to their teams. What is self-compassion? A few ways to practice self-compassion in your everyday life are: [Read more…]
Keep Your Mind Calm In Stressful Situations
A calm mind is a compassionate, empathetic, and powerful mind. Meditation with loose meditation stones or mala prayer beads is one way to calm the mind, but what about in the thick of a stressful situation? There may not be time to effectively meditate during a big meeting or a traffic jam – so what can you do in these situations to practice calm in a safe and effective way? A few ideas for keeping the mind calm in stressful situations are:
• Try breathing exercises – Breathing exercises can be done anywhere, at any time, and with subtlety. Box breathing is one technique that calms the mind, and it involves a simple pattern of breathing four seconds in, holding the breath for four seconds, releasing the breath for four seconds, and waiting four second to start the cycle again. Not only does this give you something to focus on away from a stressful situation, but it can work to control the heart rate so you’re less likely to experience exasperating anxiety and stress symptoms.
• Use your hands – Using your hands can work to distract the mind when anxiety or stress grow tense. Your mind will naturally turn to anxiety or stress cycles during stressful times, and turning this cycle off could be as simple as diverting your attention to another part of your body instead. Small fidget toys, textured fabrics, or objects like meditation stones give you something to feel so you can redirect your attention to calm.
• Progressive muscle relaxation – Progressive muscle relaxation, or PMR, is another subtle way to use physical sensations to ease tension and bring calm. To practice this, tense a certain muscle group in the body, hold that tension, and then release the muscles after a few seconds. Once you’ve done a particular muscle group, move onto another and repeat the process. Not only can this help to calm the mind during a stressful moment, it can even promote better sleep if practiced in bed after a stressful day.
At Technalink, we know the power that a calm mind holds in compassionate leadership and beyond. In the thick of a stressful situation, bringing your mind back to center may seem impossible, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. With a few regular practices incorporated into your routine, you’ll find that you have better control over your mindset than you ever thought possible.
Turn Meditation Into A Daily Habit
Meditation boasts many physical and mental benefits, most of which only get better when you make meditation a regular habit. Bringing new positive habits into your life can be difficult, however, but there are things you can do to fit meditation seamlessly into your everyday life. At Technalink, we encourage our employees to discover the positive impact of daily meditation, and to take notice of the benefits these practices bring to their well-being and emotional health. [Read more…]
The Top Challenges Women In Business Will Face In 2025
Women in business have always faced unique challenges in the business world. While these look different as time progresses, new challenges related to the modern world will arise while some challenges seem to roll over year after year. At Technalink, we encourage our women entrepreneur team members to get acquainted with the most common challenges year after year, and to formulate plans to overcome these to reach their best success. In The OM Factor, now on audiobook, you’ll find tools you can use to make any challenge, including those facing women in business, much smaller. [Read more…]
You Can Become A More Patient Person
In compassionate leadership, patience and empathy are two traits that are a must in order to be able to treat others with true compassion. While empathy may come naturally to many, patience is a skill that is often more difficult than people think. At Technalink, our teams work together to reach common goals, and being able to balance different talents and personalities is one excellent example in the benefit of patience. [Read more…]
Learning To Be A Great First Time Mentor
One of the biggest challenges facing women entrepreneurs is lack of mentorship in their professional fields. Women in business today benefit greatly from being able to watch, follow, and learn from other women, and those who have already had some success benefit from being those teachers. Our Technalink professionals are encouraged to share their knowledge and skills through formal and informal mentorship relationships. Not only does this pass down knowledge that can’t be gained elsewhere, it also helps to build lasting connections in the form of invaluable professional relationships. [Read more…]
A Few Steps To Creating Better Goals
With the New Year upon us, there’s no better time to assess your goals and take a look at where you’d like to be at this time next year. In The OM Factor, now on audiobook, you’ll learn how goal setting is crucial in both your personal and professional life. At Technalink, we encourage our professionals to begin each new year with a list of new goals they can use to drive them to better success. [Read more…]
The Power of Prayer Beads: Ancient Tools for Modern Stress Relief
We are living in a world of constant, fast-paced routines and distractions. If you want to slow things down and become more mindful amongst the chaos, the timeless tradition of prayer beads may be the sanctuary of peace and mindfulness you are searching for. These simple tools are often used across cultures as effective aids to combat stress relief and find some mental clarity. [Read more…]