Learning how to meditate can bring great benefits to people on both a professional and personal level. It’s one of the reasons why Technalink has always advocated for meditation, even in the workplace, as it can be a great way to manage and control stress in just a few short minutes.
However, there is one thing that some people should be aware of as they learn how to meditate, and that is the occasional phenomenon of experiencing drowsiness and even falling asleep!
It’s Not The Meditation
Some people experience embarrassment and even discouragement when they learn how to meditate and find themselves feeling drowsy and sometimes unable to maintain focus because they fall asleep. This leads some to the mistaken idea that perhaps meditation is not for them because their personality type finds it too boring, and that’s what leads to drowsiness.
In actuality, what feeling drowsy during meditation indicates, more than anything else, is that the person is probably overtired and suffering from not getting enough sleep. This is an incredibly common aspect of most people’s lives, as few take the time at night to really ensure they get the recommended eight hours of rest when work, social, or family commitments tend to eat away at that time. Because meditation is a calming and destressing activity, this often puts people into a headspace where they are relaxed enough that insufficient sleep could cause that “relaxation mode” to switch over to an attempt to get some rest.
There are various ways to try to prevent this. The obvious, of course, is to try to get more sleep! However, you can also try to learn how to meditate in other ways, such as trying meditation first thing in the morning when you’ve just woken up and are unlikely to want to go back to sleep. Or you can try to keep your attention more focused and engaged by using accessories like mala prayer beads.
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