A big part of compassionate leadership is knowing how to get onto the same vibration as your team. Aligning your vibration with theirs works to improve communication, innovation, and your ability to work as one cohesive unit toward a single joined goal. Engagement is a perfect way to align your vibrations, and a great way to encourage innovation and passion in all they do. 5 ways to better engage your team today are:
1. Engage from the start – When new talent starts in a new space, there’s some butterflies fluttering around in their stomachs. While they may seem calm and collected on the surface, they’re likely a bit nervous on the inside, and a little engagement can make a better first impression. With the first impression out of the way, the stage is set on your compassionate leadership and how they can feel relaxed alongside their new team.
2. Celebrate people – Celebrating work is great, but celebrating people is better. For the spiritual leader, celebrating achievements and milestones outside of work accomplishments makes the team feel like leadership truly cares, and encourages engagement not just between employees and leaders but teammates as well. Showcasing community awards, celebrating birthdays, and remembering a graduation are a few simple ways to celebrate them, and not just the work they do.
3. Switch up the work environment – A meeting is a conference room works, that’s why they’re typically held there, but what about taking a walking meeting to the park one day instead? Switching up the work environment can refresh the team and up engagement in an exciting and fun way. If a one on one meeting is to happen, schedule for a coffee shop over an office, or incorporate workplace meditation after lunch to clear minds for the second half of the day.
4. Don’t fear to ask for advice – A compassionate leader is a self-aware leader, and a self-aware leader knows that their team holds valuable insight. Engaging with employees by asking their advice on new ideas is a great way to open up those communication lines in a really valuable way.
5. Encourage authenticity – When employees are able to be authentic, they’re more open to engage. Without hiding their true selves, they’re encouraged to open up, communicate, and show a bit more of what truly makes them who they are, as they’re not shielding anything behind a mask of who they think they’re supposed to be. Asking what drives them, inquiring about their lives, and encouraging them to allow their personalities to shine works wonders for everyday engagement.
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