Harnessing and developing personal skills that can help you excel as a woman entrepreneur is important. But knowing just what to focus on can be confusing, especially with so many different things to consider. One that we at Technalink feel is worth thinking about is emotional intelligence, and as a woman entrepreneur just understanding the basics of this concept could change your future.
What Is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional intelligence is a term that was coined in the mid-90s. It refers to one’s ability to identify and manage emotions – their own as well as the emotions of others. This can include a wide variety of different steps, but at its core it simply means that you are in control of your emotions, that you have the ability to empathize and identify with others and their emotions, and that you can use logical thinking to ensure that you don’t make mistakes by letting your emotions drive your actions.
The Big Benefits Of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence can be applied to your personal life as well as your professional one, and in all instances it could lead to greater success. Some of the benefits that using emotional intelligence can bring include:
• Less stress
• Ability to forge more meaningful relationships
• Better leadership skills
• Stronger professional connections
• Fewer mistakes in your actions
• And more
In fact, one study found that as much as 58% of your success is determined by emotional intelligence alone – even if you don’t actually realize that it’s emotional intelligence that is helping you succeed.
An Important Skill
If you’re still not sure as to just why emotional intelligence is so important as a woman entrepreneur, consider an example scenario. An employee comes to you with a complaint that includes mild personal attacks or critiques.
Acting emotionally and immediately, you may become defensive, punish the employee, or allow your feelings to become hurt and thus end up doubting your own capabilities to lead.
But if you take the time to consider all of the emotions involved and then let your emotional intelligence guide you, you might look at things from their side, understand why they feel that way, be able to admit some mistakes you’ve made, and grow as a leader.
In short, emotional intelligence could be the key to leading your business to success while also reaching your personal goals more completely. It’s something that is well worth understanding more and that could give you skills needed to thrive as a woman entrepreneur.
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