When you decide to become an entrepreneur, there are many things that drive you. These drivers can often be definitive to your success. Often times we think of entrepreneurship simply as enterprising, a way to make more money and accumulate personal wealth. However, many of us have a higher calling that leads us to entrepreneurship. We are spiritual entrepreneurs and see incredible success from our own drivers. How do you know though if you are a spiritual entrepreneur? Here are some tell tale signs.
1. Understanding your purpose and finding the meaning in life is your number one priority. This important priority defines all of your actions, pursuits, and personal qualities.
2. You know that achieving a deep spiritual understanding is a never ending process. You don’t put your journey to enlightenment on pause when you start the workday.
3. You are driven to help people in every area of your life and know that the true key to business success is through uplifting those around you.
4. You see your company as your spiritual calling and a way to transform the world around you. You are driven by the positive impact you can make through your work.
5. You exercise mindfulness in everything you do. You are always present in the moment at work and make all your decisions from a clear, conscientious mindset.
6. You are compassionate, altruistic, and seek understanding. You care as much for your business relationships as you do your personal relationships.
7. You see everything you do as an opportunity to foster your personal development and growth. Even small tasks at work are a way for you to improve yourself.
8. You understand the interconnected nature of things and view your work as bigger than yourself. You understand intimately that your clients, employees, and the world around you is touched by everything you do.
Why Knowing You Are A Spiritual Entrepreneur Matters
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you are a spiritual entrepreneur. Understanding that you are a spiritual entrepreneur helps you tap into the real motivation behind your entrepreneurship, help you to unlock your strengths and leadership skills. My book the Om Factor talks about how to take your qualities as a spiritual entrepreneur and turn them into tangible actions for achieving business success. If you’re a spiritual entrepreneur, success is not just a means to personal gain, success is a way to improve the world.
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