Open office plans have become all the rage in recent years. At Technalink, we’re quite interested in the benefit of open office areas, and what recent studies have found regarding how they impact the workplace. Open office plans take the cubicle out of the office and instead open the space up for collaborative workspaces that bring people together rather than keeping them apart. Instead of visiting a colleague at their cubicle, you simply walk over to where they’ve set up to work on that day in an open and inviting area. 4 benefits of open office plans include:
1. Takes down the barriers – The barriers that come along with cubicles aren’t just physical, they’re also emotional and impact our communication. You may not notice it, but you don’t feel as apt and open to communicate when there’s a wall between you and the person you wish to communicate with. What open work spaces do is removes these physical walls, and in turn, removes the walls between you and your co-workers or team emotionally.
2. Better innovation – When collaboration is encouraged, it’s much easier to feel motivated and inspired. With this inspiration and motivation comes innovation, so you’re welcoming a more innovative trajectory by taking down the walls. Better innovation can help to keep your business on top, as you keep pushing forward and progressing into the future.
3. You’re tuned in – It’s easy to get trapped in your bubble when you feel as though you’re being kept in one. A cubicle is a small space surrounded by walls on 3 sides, so you’re pretty physically and mentally isolated within your small cube area. When you break down the walls and invite an open office plan, you’re naturally tuned in to what is going on within the company on any given day. You’ll be able to be kept up to date with other projects, collaborate easily, and allow inspiration to come to you by breaking out of your bubble.
4. You get to know your team personally – When you’re working in close open proximity with your team members, you’ll get to know them as people, helping you to better empathize with them and think on their wavelength. This is an incredible way to feel connected to those you’re working with on a deeper level, which also aids in communication and collaboration.
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