There is pretty widespread misconception that the world we live in is simple and binary. Things are either mascu-line, or feminine, business, or creative, scientific, or spiritual. It means that people who may be thinking about exploring spiritual entrepreneurship must somehow sacrifice technology or even business competitiveness be-cause of a spiritual agenda.
Of course, the real world is far more complex and multi-faceted than on/off, either/or. Things often have many aspects to them, not just one or the other. And when it comes to science, technology, and other STEM disci-plines, spiritual entrepreneurship can not only be compatible with STEM businesses, in some ways, it may be essential to a successful STEM business.
Intelligence Is Not The Same As Wisdom
Spiritual entrepreneurship, contrary to what some people may believe, is not about running a business like a religious organization. It is not about a specific doctrine but instead running a business with more compassion-ate considerations in mind. When that business is related to a new technology or software, what the product can do is important, but of equal weight are the ethical implications.
Spiritual entrepreneurship, in other words, is not just about pure profit, but running a business in a fair, ethical way, for both employees, and the customers and public that should benefit—not suffer—from the way the business conducts itself. It is about having the humility to understand that intelligence must be applied with wisdom in order to make sure that people and the world are improved, not made worse.
So don’t be afraid to mix your spiritual entrepreneurship with your science and technology! Wear your Om Fac-tor shirt with pride and don’t be afraid to let your business peers know that in your company, spirit, and science work together to create something unique and positive for everyone involved
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