If you’ve found value in what Technalink offers for people who are looking to incorporate spiritual management techniques into their workplace then we’re humbled by your progress and happy for what you’ve accomplished! Mindfulness at work can bring many positive benefits not just to your career, but other aspects of your life.
Pride Without Preaching
If you’re happy with what spiritual management has done for you, it’s natural to want to share that with others. However, as with anything in life, it’s important to take the right approach. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished, but don’t be loud or aggressive about it. Wearing an “Om Factor” shirt or answering questions when someone sees you using your Buddhist prayer beads is often the best way to get a message across.
What you don’t want to do is simply bring it up, forcefully, in a conversation, and not let the conversation end until the person you’re speaking to has agreed to try out meditation and mindfulness for themselves. You may believe that it will benefit someone else, such as a professional acquaintance, or a client, but to force them to consider it on your terms, and not their own, is more likely to create resistance rather than receptiveness.
Curiosity Is The Best Teacher
The best way for spiritual management to take hold in someone else’s career is if they are curious about it, and personally interested in learning more. To be an envoy of spiritual management means being open to an opportunity to answer questions, to provide more when requested. It is about encouraging someone else to ask questions, nurture curiosity, and, in the end, find their own motivation to learn more.
Mindfulness is only useful when it is sought. It cannot be transmitted in the form of a lecture to a resistant audience. In other words, be mindful of how other people regard mindfulness and you’ll have more luck sharing it with others.
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