The modern women entrepreneur is a person who stays on top of her success, and there are some traits that can tell you right away if you have what it takes or if you have some soul searching to do. At Technalink, we think it’s important to discover and pick out these traits in ourselves and others to ensure everyone is reaching their full potential, but it helps to know just what to pick out first. 5 traits of the successful modern women entrepreneur are:
1. Faith
Not faith in the religious or even spiritual sense, but faith in yourself and your team is an important part of being a woman in business today. Women in business face many modern challenges, and a certain level of faith can help to overcome these obstacles and remain confident in the team and what you’re capable of.
2. Compassion
Compassion allows modern women in business to align with their team and truly lead rather than simply “being the boss”. With true leadership, you’re not only leading your team to a common goal, but to their full potential, their enlightenment, and their own compassionate side, providing them with tools that will last them a lifetime. Compassionate leadership also lends itself to innovation and a true passion for success, something that teammates and leaders will all benefit from equally.
3. Calm
The road can be a bumpy one for modern women entrepreneurs, but a sense of calm can spread quickly throughout your team and help everyone to overcome these obstacles in a way that they will learn and grow from them. Any person can see how panic spreads quickly during a tough situation, but many don’t realize that calm is just as powerful.
4. Humility
Humility is a powerful trait to the compassionate leader and women in business, and a study performed by Wharton School of Business quantitatively proves it. The study found that leaders who can put aside their own ego in favor of truly connecting with their team have employees that are more likely to innovate, create, and take initiative in their part of the success of a business.
5. Listening and communication skills
Skills in listening and communication can take women in business further than they ever imagined. The ability to truly hear a person, and speak with them rather than at them, will help them to break down communication walls and guide their employees to a potential they may not even know they possess.
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