Entrepreneurship can come with many trials and difficult times as you get your business off the ground and running, and we at Technalink fully believe in the benefits of spiritual entrepreneurship even during these tough periods. There may come a time when you need to let an employee go for any number of reasons, and compassionate leadership means getting this unpleasant task done with compassion in the forefront. How do you let someone go with compassion? Regardless of reason, there is always a way to align yourself with them and use your compassionate leadership to make the process as painless as possible.
No one wants to be let go, which is why this is such a difficult and unhappy task. However, how you frame the situation can lend quite a bit to the compassionate leadership you express. One tip that works well is to practice your script, and to make sure to leave room for them to express themselves as well. Knowing what you’re going to say and how you’re going to frame what you’re saying can ensure that you make compassion and empathy a priority in the event of letting someone go, but make sure to save space for what they may need to express as well. Your “script” should be clear, concise, and take into consideration their feelings or what you can do for them to lighten the toll it may take.
If a person is simply not the right fit for a position or the business you’re in, make sure to highlight their positive characteristics and how those characteristics may benefit a different sort of business. This recognizes their potential and allows them valuable feedback and direction for the next place they should turn.
If your business is able, you may also want to be generous in the letting go, and allow them some sort of benefit to hold them over until they can find employment elsewhere. While not all budding entrepreneurs may have this option, it is one to consider if it happens to be available to you at the time. If the employee had positive attributes that you appreciated, a simple letter of reference or recommendation can be a cost-free way to provide to them a generous gift that will aid them on their professional journey and to their future goals.
While letting someone go isn’t something that many spiritual entrepreneurs look forward to, a compassionate leader can do so in the most positive manner possible. Using empathy, the letting go of an employee can be a positive experience in the long run for both parties, even if the benefits may not be realized at the time.
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