Small business owners often start out with a very specific focus or goal in their start-up. This could be anything from raising a little extra spending money to becoming a solution for work-at-home moms. However, returns and revenue will be a concern with most goals, but so will sustainability.
At Technalink, we have found that great business leaders come in all sorts of personalities and backgrounds. What is very interesting is that success for each of these different start-ups has also come about through a variety of paths and factors. Further, many start-ups were also able to incorporate spirituality at a cultural level, and this has also supported the sustainability of companies.
Doing Well Or Doing Better?
Another thing that we often see with small businesses is that plateaus can present interesting opportunities. Primarily, when a small business does plateau, it generally means that it has reached sustainability, and that owners are seeing steady and consistent profits. However, this also means that the company has reached a point where expansion would be highly recommended.
What often happens, is that many small business owners feel that they have finally reached success in this sustainability, and the thought of growing larger could threaten that stability. This is a very common fear, because it addresses the unknown next level for achievements. The concern is that trying to expand will lose what is gained, yet, greater success is also possible.
There are a number of emotions along with fear that will also come into play, but another noteworthy one is a lack of self worth. Some people can hold deep seated wounds that cause them to believe that they do not deserve more than the success that supports them. However, it is also important to remember that abundance is all inclusive, and is not based on a competition of someone having less so another can have more. From this perspective, gaining a greater sense of self worth also comes into alignment with the energies of others.
This is another important consideration for small business owners with employees. Expansion of the company can mean benefits for the staff, and can even help the community in supplying further jobs. This also combats the feelings of lack of worth, since it puts the prospect of growth into a larger context.
Believing In Self
Ultimately, business owners will make the choices that they know are best for them and the company. However, allowing fear to interfere with progress is not a part of mindful process, and can greatly stifle personal and professional growth. Knowing that you deserve it, and knowing that you can do it, can provide the courage you need to keep striving for greater abundance.
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