A large part of starting your own business does include learning from the experience as you go along. At Technalink, we have found that there are a lot of great ideas and best practices that do help to inform business owners about ways to grow and sustain their success. However, we have also found that every company has its own unique path, just like every person does. As a result, good advice is relative, and learning to make these distinctions is also a part of the journey.
Examining Fear
Although there are many acronyms associated with fear, one of our favorites is “False Expectations Appearing Real”. By examining the state of fear through this lens, we can also begin to discern where we end and where fear begins. This means that past experiences may have formed a perspective which limits our potential through fear expectations, but it also means that new experiences may not be sought out for the same reasons.
This can provide an ideal starting place for examining the impact that fear really has on your life and your decision making for the company. Are you holding back because you think you might lose what you have? Are you taking on the choices of others because fear is keeping you from exploring your own options? These are vital points to consider, since they not only impact you, but also your entire business.
Moving Beyond Expectations
We all need to remind ourselves from time to time, that our expectations are just an idea that has not yet become manifest. This applies to both positive and negative perceptions, and the key is that we have the ability to change our minds, and thus, change our perspectives. When fear is keeping us from taking action, we do need to ask ourselves why. We also need to have the courage to use this insight for growth.
In this respect, fearlessness becomes not so much a lack of fear, but the ability to face how these expectations are impacting us and move beyond it. This also helps to gain the clarity that is necessary for making active choices. By facing the why of the fear, we can empower ourselves to become open to greater potential. This also means that you are extending the energy to your business and even your employees, and the result is that more conscious action ensues.
When facing fears, the most important question to ask is whether the expectations are truly real, or whether they are just imagined outcomes that are based on false pretenses. In moving through these thought forms, we also begin to see the myriad paths that can all lead to the same goal of success, and realize that the potential is limitless once we have faced the expectation and let it go, so that opportunity can flow into that new space.
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