Technalink has always advocated for people to continue to expand their horizons. If you want better prospects in your professional and personal life, then self-improvement is a key role. If you don’t change, the world changes around you, leaving you less able to navigate its challenges. Here are some of the key areas you can focus on for growth and self-improvement. [Read more…]
Learn To Calm Your Fight Or Flight Response
When your heart rate quickens, your skin flushes, and your brain grows foggy during a stressful situation, you’re actually experiencing an unpleasant but very normal evolutionary stress response. This is a fight or flight response, one that was built into humans from the very beginning to prepare us to face what our minds perceived as “danger”. During those early days the dangers were real and the response practical, however things look quite a bit different now. In modern times, stress isn’t a predator coming close to camp, it’s a big meeting, missing a goal, or a difficult interaction in the office. These aren’t situations where one should “fight or flee”, but that doesn’t mean the stress response changes. [Read more…]
Are You Managing Your Work-Life Balance?
Technalink believes in people working hard with passion, commitment, and integrity. However, it’s also critical to acknowledge that work, while important, is not all that life is. Maintaining a good work-life balance benefits both aspects of a person’s life. Without a positive life, work is impacted, and without a good work ethic, personal life can be negatively affected. [Read more…]
Meditations For The Autumn Transitional Season
Autumn is a special season. At Technalink, we encourage our teams to use these transitional periods as a time for clarity, a time to let go, and a time to set sights on the goals you’ll have going forward. Using mala prayer beads or meditation stones, having a few transition-focused meditations for the autumn season can help you to make even more of this season. [Read more…]
Don’t Let A Stressful Workday Ruin Your Night
How often have you allowed a stressful day at the office to follow you home at night? This can destroy your work/life balance and be highly damaging to your emotional well-being, but it’s something so many professionals unknowingly do each and every day. Stress, anxiety, and chaos can be tough to shake off, but we at Technalink have some suggestions we offer to our teams to make breaking this cycle much easier: [Read more…]
The Top 5 Reasons For A Lack Of Work-Life Balance
One thing Technalink strives to do with everyone who works for and with us is to ensure they maintain a healthy work-life balance. It’s one of the trickiest things to juggle since it’s very easy to do too much of one, especially working, when, without hard work, there’s no salary, no possible promotion, and thus no improvement to the overall quality of life. At the same time, however, work is there to augment the personal and family life, not the other way around. Here are the top five reasons many people tip the scales on their work-life balance. [Read more…]
5 Things To Know About Carnelian Stones
Learning how to meditate using meditation stones starts with getting the right stones first. Each meditation stone has its own distinct energy, which it brings into your session to focus and drive your meditations in a certain direction. Garnet stones hold courageous and loving energies, rose quartz is a stone with a strong compassionate force, and carnelian is another stone that has a space in any meditation collection. 5 things to know about carnelian stones are: [Read more…]
Meditation Doesn’t Require Prolonged Sessions
Technalink is committed to letting everyone cultivate a sense of mindfulness for both personal and professional development. However, in today’s working world, it can be extremely challenging to enjoy a long, sustained period of meditation in a setting filled with deadlines, meetings, and other scheduled events. [Read more…]