One of the primary goals of meditation is to cultivate a state of mindfulness. While Technalink enthusiastically promotes meditation for mindfulness, we also understand that different people have better responses to other approaches. And surprisingly, despite the stigma behind them, for some people, one of the best ways to cultivate mindfulness is through playing video games, but it must be done in a certain way. [Read more…]
Questions To Ask When Being Evaluated
Self-improvement is crucial to conscious leadership. A spiritual entrepreneur never truly masters being a compassionate leader; they’re on a journey that is always progressing, evolving, and growing throughout their lives and careers. For as long as you can learn new things about yourself, you can also learn new things about leading and living with spirituality and compassion in mind. [Read more…]
Mindfulness Reminders To Keep Your Practice Natural
At Technalink, we encourage our teams to make mindfulness a natural and fluid part of their day. After making it a part of your regular routine, you’ll soon discover it simply becomes a smooth and natural thing that simply occurs – you won’t even need to think about it. Before getting to that point, however, mindfulness does take quite a bit of practice. The best way to practice mindfulness is to remind yourself to be mindful regularly throughout your day. Allowing yourself to get wrapped up in the stress and anxiety of a busy life leaves no room to live in the moment, and no room to see any situation for what it truly is. [Read more…]
Meditation Can Warn You About Your Sleeping Habits
Learning how to meditate can bring great benefits to people on both a professional and personal level. It’s one of the reasons why Technalink has always advocated for meditation, even in the workplace, as it can be a great way to manage and control stress in just a few short minutes.
How Long And When Should I Meditate?
Those new to meditation may believe they need to go “all-in” straight away. This can put someone off meditation and give them the false impression that meditation is difficult or causes more stress than it relieves. At Technalink, our approach to meditation is to start off small, build yourself up, and learn as you go. This could mean a single five-minute meditation session a day, working your way up to a couple of sessions, and making each longer by a minute as you grow more comfortable. If you find yourself mastering meditation more quickly, you may progress your time more quickly as well. [Read more…]
Good Leaders Give Constructive Feedback, Not Harmful Criticism
One of the most desirable traits to have in spiritual leadership is a mindset that is committed to improvement, not just for the self but for the business, corporate culture, and people within it. This is something Technalink has always promoted, and one of the best ways to achieve this is to take an active role in helping those within the company to improve. [Read more…]
Launching A Meditation Program At Your Workplace
While a workplace meditation program may seem unconventional, it’s an idea that’s picking up steam all across the United States. Workplace meditation works to bring the office together, teaching how to meditate, working on work/life balance, and reinforcing spiritual leadership practices. This program joins your teams together in a space that is filled with positivity, focuses on well-being, and works to bust stress that may bog down your day to day lives.
4 Must-Haves For Your Office Meditation Room
Whether your workplace has a meditation club or program, or you simply encourage meditation as part of your spiritual leadership, a meditation space can be one of the most enriching parts of any workplace. We encourage the creation of calming meditation-friendly spaces at Technalink, and we know the benefits that these spaces can bring to a professional environment.