Learning how to meditate using meditation stones starts with getting the right stones first. Each meditation stone has its own distinct energy, which it brings into your session to focus and drive your meditations in a certain direction. Garnet stones hold courageous and loving energies, rose quartz is a stone with a strong compassionate force, and carnelian is another stone that has a space in any meditation collection. 5 things to know about carnelian stones are:
1. Carnelian stones are great for centering your training – Whether you’re training for a new position, learning a new skill, or training at the gym, carnelian is the stone you want to have on hand while you’re at it. This stone is well known to provide coordination or balance between your physical and mental energies, allowing you to get the most from training sessions of any kind.
2. It’s a stone for professionals – For those looking to progress their professional skills through mindfulness, there’s no better stone for your spiritual entrepreneurship. It’s a stone that can help to motivate salespeople, give strength and energy to builders, boost organization for journalists, and help leaders to lead with courage.
3. Carnelian connects to the throat chakra – Carnelian is known to have a connection to the throat chakra, which helps to promote the voice, communication, and ease in conversation. For those who have to give a presentation, speak with clients, or address a crowd, carnelian can be a real confidence booster.
4. There are passionate energies in carnelian – Losing your “spark” is something that most professionals go through from time to time. While it’s normal, that doesn’t make it any less unpleasant. With the passionate energies found in carnelian, you can better rekindle the drive you once had.
5. Carnelian helps you to regain your confidence – Like passion, confidence can ebb and flow for anyone. However, confidence is incredibly important to your own emotional well-being. If you’re meditating to gain confidence in your personal or professional life, carnelian is a stone that should have a special place in your collection.
At Technalink, we encourage creating a collection of meditation stones that cater to all of your goals. In this way, you’ll always be able to embrace the right energies to match your affirmations. With carnelian in your hand, pocket, or bag, you can take care of several meditative goals at once.
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