One of the biggest challenges compassionate leaders face is decision-making. Compassionate leaders consider all angles, weighing individual needs against the needs of the collective. They assess the short- and long-term benefits and consequences of their decisions while ensuring that all stakeholders have a voice. Unfortunately, complex decision-making can sometimes be overwhelming, leading to decision fatigue, burnout, and paralysis. Mala is a powerful tool to help compassionate leaders align themselves so they can tackle the most challenging choices.
To use the mala prayer beads, find the guru bead and hold it between your first finger and your thumb, letting the rest drape across your hand. Then, as you reflect, pass each bead through your fingers until you have finished the whole strand and are back at the guru bead.
Here are three ways you can use mala beads to make clear and authentic decisions:
1. Explore Possible Solutions
If you are up against a complex problem, this practice can encourage creative solutions. Allow each bead to represent a different idea or approach to your problem. As you move through the strand, reflect on each option. If you only have two or three options, cycle through them as they may inspire other ideas. When you return to the guru bead, reflect on which solution resonated the most.
2. Problem-Solving Sequence
Another problem-solving strategy is to use each bead to represent a step in the process. For example, the first few beads could focus on identifying the problem, the next on brainstorming possible solutions, followed by evaluating these solutions, and finally, deciding on the best one. The problem-solving sequence helps you build a roadmap to your desired outcomes, making decisions clear.
3. Outcome Visualization
Outcome visualization is ideal if you have a tough choice between two options. Imagine each bead is an outcome that you want from the decision. Then, go one at a time and connect how either of the decisions best supports the outcome. Outcome visualizations allow you to do a focused, comprehensive evaluation of all your options.
My preferred decision-making mala is Amethyst because of its calming properties. Mala can also support decision-making in a group setting by bypassing the mala and allowing each participant to share their viewpoints. No matter which practices you use, mala is a powerful decision-making tool. You can find more leadership tools in my book, The OM Factor, to help you master decision-making.
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