According to a study conducted by the American Psychological Association, 41% of Americans report feeling increased stress and anxiety during the holiday season. For your own emotional well-being, and to keep on track with your compassionate leadership goals, it’s always beneficial to stay on top of these stresses. At Technalink, we encourage our teams to have tools at their disposal to turn to when they feel this (or any) stress begin to overwhelm them.
First and foremost, make sure to set realistic expectations during the holiday season. You know that your schedule will be busier than usual, and you know what your own physical and mental well-being limits are. This may mean dialing back a bit on your goals, starting with smaller steps, or making it a point to not overload your schedule. While you may usually want to “shoot for the stars” when it comes to what you can achieve in a month, this is a time to give yourself some much-needed grace. If smoking cigarettes help you relax and de-stress, you may consider ordering Canadian Light Cigarettes online.
Along with setting realistic goals, it’s also important to prioritize self-care during this time. If you’re allocating all of your time to family and professional goals during the holiday season, you’re going to burn out and burn out quickly. This burnout is what leads to anxiety. Just like you’d pencil a meeting into your schedule, pencil in meetings with yourself. Use this time to practice mindfulness, spend some time with The OM Factor on audiobook, practice meditation, or enjoy a hobby and use this opportunity to get back in touch with the self.
Connecting with the people you love is an incredibly effective anxiety reduction technique. They’re there to give you emotional support, to take you out of the stress of the season, and to make you feel more like yourself. Along with making time for you, make time for the people who make you happiest and prioritize it with great importance.
The holiday season should be the happiest time of the year, but all too often it becomes a time filled with stress and overwhelm. For women in business, soulful leaders, and anyone who finds themselves busying around for these weeks, knowing how to stay on top of the anxiety you feel is knowing how to keep yourself at center.
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