In mala prayer beads or meditation stones, quartz is one of the most beneficial stones to keep in your meditation kit. You may notice that there are several different types of quartz to choose from, and you may be wondering if they’re all created equally. While all quartz meditation stones or mala prayer beads have clarifying and cleansing properties, they also contain different energies that can be helpful to different meditation goals. At Technalink, we encourage our teams to incorporate various types of quartz into their meditation toolkits, with a few of the most generally useful quartz types including:
• Clear Quartz – Clear quartz meditation stones or mala prayer beads are one of the most common types of quartz found in meditation toolkits. This is a stone that is well known for opening up the spirit, cleansing the mind, and aligning the mind, body, and soul. Because this is such a versatile stone, it’s an excellent choice for mala prayer beads used to guide all sorts of different meditations with different spiritual goals. Clear quartz is also sometimes used as a protection stone, helping to ward off negative energies when they arise.
• Rose Quartz – Rose quartz is also known as the “heart stone”, and mainly due to its strong energies of love, compassion, and connection. This stone is well known to bring inner peace and harmony to meditations, so it’s an excellent stone to bring into meditations with a goal of connecting with yourself or others around you. If you’re meditating as part of your self-care routine, this is the quartz type to reach for first.
• Amethyst – Many don’t realize that amethyst is a type of quartz, and a powerful one at that. Amethyst stones are excellent for bringing feelings of love, peace, and courage into your meditations, as well as connecting you to your most spiritual self. As mala prayer beads, amethyst stones bring a variety of beneficial compassionate leadership energies to all of your affirmations.
Quartz stones are a must for any well-balanced meditative stone tool kit. With a blend of clear, rose, amethyst, and other quartz varieties, you have just about all of what you need to successfully guide meditations toward any sort of goal. As a starter stone, look to quartz to build a well-being meditation foundation.
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