It’s a commonly held belief that when it comes to the competitive and sometimes even cutthroat world of business, spiritual leadership has no place. The common argument is that the greatest amount of success comes from a willingness to behave in harmful and unethical ways. Technalink does not ascribe to this and believes that people can and should practice spiritual leadership in business for a number of reasons and benefits.
Business Is Part Of This World
While some argue that business operates in a separate realm with its own rules, the truth is that business, like spirituality, is an integral part of our world. It is not exempt from the same rules or spiritual guidelines that other systems of thought and action follow. In fact, when business and spirituality are integrated harmoniously, they can mutually enhance each other’s principles and practices.
While it can be argued that more vicious or cutthroat practices may yield results, there is also a matter of people entering the business sphere to achieve different goals. Profit, of course, is what allows a business to survive and even thrive, but businesses don’t have to exist to pursue profit to the exclusion of everything else. A quality restaurant, for example, may thrive on serving good food that its customers enjoy, with profit being a side-effect of this commitment. This illustrates that ethical business practices can lead to success, offering a hopeful and optimistic perspective.
Make Other Choices
Spiritual leadership is not just about business choices but also professional interactions with others. Taking a spiritual approach to thinking about and dealing with employees, clients, customers, partners, and vendors can dramatically change the dynamics in these professional relationships for the better.
Spiritual leadership means treating others with understanding, patience, and compassion while at the same time rewarding their trust with reliability, kept promises, and courtesy. Bringing these qualities to a business relationship yields a greater desire to keep experiencing this type of treatment, engendering more loyalty and support from employees and a greater willingness to form longstanding customer or client relationships with those that you serve.
This also means you should be open to bringing more spiritual practices into the workplace, encouraging your employees to do so as well. For example, mindfulness brings many benefits in terms of stress management and even clarity of thought.
Practicing meditation, using accessories like mala prayer beads, and encouraging those in the workplace to take advantage of mindfulness benefits help everyone. Beyond making profits easier to attain with a better state of mind, it creates a better environment, too.
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