Making tough calls is an essential part of any leadership role. However, a recent global study shows that 85% of business leaders have suffered from decision distress. Decision distress often arises from a lack of information, the pressure of the potential consequences, and the difficulties balancing diverse interests (all often under a tight deadline). If you are facing a tough choice, you can break out of the decision dilemma. Here are three strategies I use to make the right call when I’m facing a tough decision at Technalink:
1. Create A Decision Matrix
A Decision Matrix is an advanced pro and con list that systematically organizes and compares various options and outcomes. To make a Decision Matrix, list your choices and the factors critical to your decision, like time, cost, or market impact. Then, evaluate each factor to determine which option is the best choice. Using a Decision Matrix helps in decision-making by quantifying and objectively comparing different alternatives, leading to more rational and well-justified choices.
2. Try On The Six Thinking Hats
Designed by Dr. Edward de Bono, The Six Thinking Hats Method involves looking at a decision from six perspectives, represented by different colored hats:
● White for facts
● Red for emotions
● Black for caution
● Yellow for benefits
● Green for creativity
● Blue for process
Each thinking helps you approach the problem from different perspectives. By broadening your perspectives, you can collect more information for a clearer decision.
3. Do A Pre-Mortem Analysis
Pre-mortem analysis is essentially doing a post-mortem analysis of your decision before you make it. Start by imagining a future where your decision led to a bad outcome and work backward to understand why. Pre-mortem analysis will help you identify potential pitfalls and prepare strategies to mitigate them. By visualizing all the risks and the possible consequences, you can better understand the impact of your decisions, making it easier to make your choice.
You can use these decision-making strategies anytime you are facing a tough decision. I have one last strategy if these don’t work: Flip a coin. I know it sounds strange, but sometimes it is better to make a decision and trust that you can handle whatever comes from that decision than to stall out and have a decision made for you. For more leadership tools you can put into practice, read The OM Factor. In my book, you will find seven powerful tools and traits to cultivate your natural leadership abilities and help you become a more confident decision-maker.
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